Quinnelly turned eleven on Saturday the 12th of July. She was born around ten at night. She weighed 8 pounds 2 oz and was 21 inches long. She was really due on the 4th of July. We were going to name her Liberty if she came out then, just kidding she was always going to be our Quinnelly Rose.
She has been at BYU basketball camp with her friend Tylere Twitty for the last week. She flew up solo and stayed at Tylere's grandma's house with her. She had a great time and we are eternally grateful for the Twitty's for taking such great care of her. She flew home solo from Salt Lake on birthday.

After we picked her up from the airport we raced over to Grandma Jo's for her birthday party. It seems like every birthday party of hers with the exception of the two have been in her back yard. Here are some of the highlights:

It's hard to see but this is Q at the Sky Harbor Airport. We are picking her up and she is holding a Happy Birthday banner.

This is her pinata. It was really heavy. Grandma Jo always gets the perfect pinata. This one was really heavy. We couldn't hang it up without it breaking so we had another plan...

Pinata toss... youngest to oldest.

They all had to toss it back to Q.

Almost all the Cousins... missing, little Dix, Big Mac, Tate, Cort, and Danica.