Saturday, January 24, 2009

Nov, Dec, Jan...

Can I do that? Can I squish three months into one post. Probably not but I am going to try. Ok here goes:

November: I went to Disneyland with the student council kids from the high school, so fun! Z and Q got registered for Wham basketball.

December: Kids finished up their semesters with flying colors. We had a wonderful Christmas. Everyone got exactly what they wanted. Nativity at JoJo's was a success and Nativity at Grandma Sherry's was a success. At JoJo's Zane was a wise man and Q was the narrator. At Grandma Sherry's Z was a wise man and part of the multitude and Q was Mary because nobody else was trusted enough to hold Cutler (our 7 week old baby Jesus). We went to Jeff's holiday party at work. The food was great but we couldn't stay for the dancing, it was the same night as Winter formal at the high school. (Jeff was really bummed...ya right!)

January: We went to Williams to play in the snow and to ride the Polar Express. We went to three different Walmarts trying to find snow shoes and gloves so we wouldn't freeze our patooties off. We go a cute family picture for mom and even saw Courtney, Tate and Danica up there too. Quinnelly won Fifth place in the Higley Invitational track meet. It is a track meet for 6th 7th and 8th graders in the Higley district. She was racing against all of the girls and did really well. We are so proud of her. Basketball is in full swing for both Q and Z. They are doing amazingly well.

That's about it. February is coming up fast. We have a lot happening in our lives right now. I will do my best to update this more than every three months.